What Type Of Zirconia Is Your Lab Using?


We Use Only The Best!

AmannGirrbach Zolid Gen-X Multilayer-Styledent Digital Dental Lab

Every time we meet a new dentist that wants to work with us, one of the first questions we ask is: What type of Zirconia is your lab using? The answer is typically, “I don’t know.”

It is important to know what dental materials your lab is using and where they come from! NOT all Zirconia pucks are made equal!

We encourage you to:

  1. Ask your lab about the brand, country, and origin

  2. Ask the lab about the properties of the zirconia such as: composition, % of yttrium, and strength in MPa.

  3. Require the IDENTCERAM certificate

Work with a lab that is educated, experienced, and up to date on the latest dental materials!


On The Gram…